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Book Style: Horror stylized book for kids

Reading Level: 2 (Reading With assist because of mid-range length as well as some tough vocabulary)

Reading Length: 7-10 minutes (FYI – we never account for young child questions)

Illustration: Feels a bit like Plants Vs. Zombies

Age Target: 2-10 Years of Age

Author: Russell J. Dorn

Author’s Page: Russell J. Dorn

Book purchase Page: Main book sale page, Amazon eBook – $3 USD, Amazon Paperback – $9.99 USD 

Social Media Links: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube


Felipe Femur is a special story book by Russell J. Dorn.  It’s about a skeleton named Felipe, who’s huge on heart, in spite of not having one!  He discovers himself tired as well as lonely, as well as so he walks out of his home to discover his friends.  As he satisfies each friend, he assists them with an problem they’re having, only to have them turn around as well as offer him something he can’t use.  Each time, it frustrates as well as upsets Felipe a bit more, as well as ultimately he heads for house even a lot more lonely as well as tired than he was before.  However, when he gets home, all of his buddies are waiting there for him, as well as they throw him a huge party–simply since they felt he was a bit down as well as out earlier in the day.

Now, we’ve examined a few books right here on healthy mommies Magazine, however this is most likely the most special book we’ve ever been privy to.  It’s a children’s story with as well as through, however seeing as Felipe is a skeleton as well as is our primary character, it’s not precisely an daily story book.  It would have been extremely simple for our author, Russell J. Dorn, to make the book frightening as well as to push it outside a young child or young child‘s range.  He didn’t, as well as the book hits the mark for young kids (and I would state all the method as much as 10 years old).

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Viime lauantai ilta!

While there’s plenty to be ecstatic about in this book, I have to state that the story is the very best part.  Yes, it’s a story about a bit skeleton who travels from buddy to friend.  Yes, they do stuff as well as that’s all well as well as good.  However, the story is sneaky (good) at hiding the truth that it’s really a story about buddies helping each other.  They’re a supportive group of people (well, kind of!).  Their treatment of each other is nothing short of fantastic, as well as all of this combines to send a extremely positive message to your toddler.  If they didn’t comprehend empathy before…well, they most likely still won’t since they’re toddlers, however you get the point.

Now, something you most likely don’t truly pay interest to is repetition.  As a parent, we’re not truly tuned to pick up on it, however depend on me when I state that kids do.  They discover so swiftly when a book repeats itself.  In fact, this was evidenced by my bit person telling me precisely what was going to happen.  See, whenever Felipe gets something from his buddies that he can’t use, he gets unfortunate as well as puts on his poncho to leave.  My bit person told me that was going to occur as Felipe was handed sunscreen (what skeleton can utilize that?).  This isn’t the only example of repetition, however it is the one that stood out to my child.

The Illustrations

Onto what is clearly the most special part of this book: the illustrations.  There’s no method to state this, other than to state that they’re unlike anything I’ve seen in a children’s book.  I wasn’t sure what to make of the book the second I saw the cover page, so I showed it as well as the other illustrations to my bit guy.  He has a brilliant imagination, as well as I was concerned he might have been scared.

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Nope! He believed the photos were fun, as well as he liked the characters.  He immediately wished to understand a lot more about Felipe.  As we checked out the story, he liked telling me all about exactly how these characters would be out for Halloween night.  He likewise told me all about the bones on Felipe, as well as exactly how he had each one of them (but that I couldn’t see them, FYI).

You requirement the shades, awesome guy?

Yes, that’s a vampire in the photo above.  He has one fang, sunglasses, a blue as well as white striped storage tank top, a strip of white haIr, Elvish -korvat, jotka tekisivät Eärwenin punastumaan, samoin kuin aurinkovoidetta nenässään, koska vampyyrit eivät voi vuodattaa nenäänsä. Tämänkaltaiset kuvat varmistavat, että vietät melko vähän aikaa puhumalla lapsellesi tämän kirjan valokuvista.

Tilanteessa vaadit hieman enemmän tietoa sekä Felipen ja hänen ystäviensä maailmasta. Tässä on johdantovideo Russell J. Dornin sovelluskehityksen kehittämään pelisovellukseen, Zebrafox Games. Ja kyllä, se osoittaa, että voit pidentää tämän kirjan hyödyllisyyttä digitaalimaailmaan!


Rehellisesti, pidän tästä kirjasta. En ollut 100% varma, kun näin etukannen, mutta sekä lapseni että pidin kirjasta heti, kun tarkistimme muutaman sivun. Siinä on poikkeuksellisen hauskoja hahmoja, kuvia, jotka ovat vain mahtavia, samoin kuin joitain fantastisia oppitunteja, jotka ovat piilossa tarinassa. Kirjailijamme ymmärtää selvästi tarkalleen, kuinka kehittää lastenkirjaa, samoin kuin paljon enemmän on, että hän on tehnyt tämän fantastisella hinnalla. Siirry Amazoniin 3 dollarin USD -e -kirjaan tai 9,99 dollarin USD paperback.

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